RG-1: York County Court Records, 1786- ca.1962
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This is NOT a complete list of the archival holdings. It is only a highlight. Please check the Historical Center website for future additions.

Bastardy Records:
records include Mother's name, Father's name, sometimes Child's name, Gender, Date of Birth(DOB), Date of Bond/Oath, Comments.

Clerk of Court: ** No Finding Aid currently available **
records include Confederate Veterans' Enrollment Books, Voter Registration Books, and miscellaneous Registers (fortified weapons, dentist/dental hygienists, alien registration, motor vehicles, etc.)

Court of Common Pleas:
records include Judgement Rolls, Direct/Indirect Indexes to Judgements, Decrees in Summary Process, Abstracts of Judgements, Pleadings and Judgements, Confessions of Judgements, Rules Books, Calendars and Court Journals.

Court of Equity:
records include Petitions, Bills of Complaint, Mortgages, Orders, Decrees, Money Bonds, Reports, Guardianship and Trustee Accounts, Dockets, Sales and Calendars.

General Sessions:
records include Case Papers, Sessions Journals, Dockets and Indexes to Session Rolls.

Ordinary Court: ** No Finding Aid currently available **
Records include early Estate Records.

Probate Court: ** No Finding Aid currently available **
records include Inventories, Appraisements and Sales, Wills, Letters of Guardianship, Petitions, Returns, Administrative Bonds, Fee Ledgers, Ledger of Executions, Dockets, Letters of Dismissary, Real Estate Records, Letters of Testimony, Account Books, Cash Books, Minute Books, and Estate Records.
